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Running for Humanity
In 4 hours you can fly from here to New Zealand, watch two movies or spend half a day at work. However this September I have decided to spend 4 hours running 42.2km. It's a long way and a long time but in addition to making the distance I am hoping to raise $2000 for the Together for Humanity Foundation.
Together for Humanity is an Australian multi-faith based, inclusive organisation healing prejudice and hatred at its source by fostering positive experiences of diversity. Their goal is to ensure that young Australians learn to think for themselves, replacing fear and discrimination with respect and a genuine curiosity about people different to themselves. They do this by facilitating workshops in schools across Australia. The schools are visited by a team consisting of three or four role models from different faith backgrounds, typically a Christian, a Jew and a Muslim, and sometimes an Indigenous person see for more details.
Please help me by achieving both my goals of running 42.2km and raising $2000 for a worthwhile charity. Your support will be appreciated, especially while I pound the pavements 6 mornings week for the next 9 weeks.
ALL donations you give are tax detuctible and go directly to Together for Humanity, so click on DONATE NOW!
Thank you for your support and helping to make a difference!
Together for Humanity Foundation
Together for Humanity is a not for profit multi-faith organisation that helps people to replace prejudice with respect, and encourages them to cooperate for the common good. We are an inclusive organisation, happy to work with anyone that shares our values. We host workshops for students using a combination of people from their own background and less familiar people, to demonstrate that difference is interesting rather than threatening and that we can all be friends with people who are different from ourselves. This is especially relevant for students who live in mono-cultural environments (including “ethnic enclaves”), as it allows students to meet people and fellow students from cultures and religions that are different from their own. For more information please visit